Unleash Your Power

Table of Contents
Overcome Fear Fast with These 5 Effective Techniques
5 things that will help you overcome fear

FEAR….It grips us all so tightly sometimes. So we have to overcome fear. Do you know the  five things that will help you overcome fear? First thing is to expect the best even though you’re fearing the worst, so you get what you focus on. Focus on great stuff in life, in a speech and work. If you focus on the crap and all the bad stuff and  money and people and what people think, you’re going to get bad stuff. Life’s full of both so if you expect the best, it’s going to make a big difference. Number two is to make your passion and your purpose so big that it squashes your fear. This is something i found very easy and natural to do but not everyone does, but find your passion and if you’re not doing something that’s passionate or you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, maybe it’s time to do something else. Next thing is experience. Get more experience doing things because the more you experience, the more you do and the more you’re going to have that competence that builds confidence so the fear will kind of go up the window.

 Next one is to just always be doing like taking action, experience, expose yourself. Here’s a story that I want to share –  Months ago , I went into the woods one night when i had this massive fear because of the trauma i experienced in the woods when i was younger. So i went at night with a flashlight  and stayed there for an hour and a half and wow was i transforming. I was really a transformed person when i came out. So what I am trying to say is that,  do little things that scare you every day, do things that make you uncomfortable every single day.

The next one would be to avoid making assumptions avoid. Do not assume something just because one thing didn’t work or someone says this or does this or reacts in a particular way. Things can happen and there can be patterns. If we see patterns, maybe it’s something to change in us or the way we’re doing, speaking, marketing, presenting or communicating. So avoid assuming that things will go the same way they did if it didn’t work. Failure is the mother of all teachers. So work on yourself and focus on the best. The reason most news is negative is because it stimulates your brain and gets your attention and they can sell commercials have viewership. If they talked about how the world was great all day long,  a lot of people might not watch or they would click off very quickly. However we become quickly obsessed with bad news, that’s why it’s addictive, that’s why people stay on bad news for so long. So these are the five tips to get past your fears. Make a change in these aspects of your life and just keep going without FEAR!

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