#1 Pretend you’re a mad scientist, you’re experimenting doing new things. You learn whether something is for you or not .Those are the key things and remember that there’s no failure there’s only feedback in life. Failure is not good for your ego but failure is good for your soul because you learn that worked or that didn’t work versus being in lack of action. Here’s something to think about so think of this always be taking action focusing on what you want. How can I make this better? how can I win next time ?how can i do better? #2 Step out your comfort zone. If you’re in the comfort zone we’re often not living a passionate or zest-filled life .Out of that comfort zone it’s exciting you’re going to have an exciting life. #3 Ask yourself what’s the risk ?what’s the cost if I don’t do this? #4 Lastly live an effort .If something’s bothering you just go for it take action go out there and win ,sometimes we do fail. In order to win there’s no failure anyways there’s only feedback I’m living proof, go out there go learn, go test go try go take action .There’s only feedback which is growth and learning.
There’s better ways by getting mentors and learning great ways how to do it, if you’d like to learn more about how to unleash your own potential I’ll be mentored and take your life to a whole new level and get past those fears all those worries the anxieties.