Unleash Your Power

Table of Contents
Goal Crusher's Handbook
How To Actually Achieve Your Goals

Achieving our goals is a great thing as it defines who we are and shows our determination but it’s not very easy. It can be made easily possible by following a few steps.

 First step is to decide  what we want in life, not what others expect from us but who we really are. Next step is to write it down. Normally,  people don’t write down their goals but it is very important to do so and that too, be specific. Third step, which is the most important one is to invest time, money or energy that is required. Next is to have a reward as well as a consequence. The consequence must be something that you want to avoid and the reward must be attractive enough for you to go towards it. The next step is to do something different from what you are doing now and visualize your goals. The last step is to figure out one or two or three steps that you need to start with. You don’t  have to know all the steps to achieve  your goal but something to start off would be great. You will then figure out what has to be done to actually achieve your goals. So let us try and make a big change in our lives and achieve our goals.

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