Do this right away when you feel fear, worry or anxiety

Do this right away when you feel fear, worry or anxiety

Do this right away when you feel fear, worry, anxiety or indecision

You are worrying fearing something or anxious? What to do when you fear something when you are anxious when you're worried because the body does not like to be still when it's in fight or flight .If you're a deer in the forest and there's a hunter after you the last thing you want to do is to be still when you get into fight in flight mode. When your amygdala back here in your brain stem and your limbic system starts firing saying emergency red alert ,right now obviously we don't usually have to worry about hunters these days and we don't have to be worried about being chased by an animal most of us , you know are in developed countries but we often do get into fear situations worrying about failure ,what someone's going to think of us when we lose money we lose time with something, when we look back right so the next time you're fearing you're worrying you're anxious ,what I want you to do is to do something .Do anything whether it's something physical let's say going for a walk  sit ups ,jump up and down, running on the spot, go for a run ,go for a walk do something physical .It'll instantly take you out of this massive fight and flight syndrome and brings it down .So you could do something physical you could take action ,take an action towards what it is you want towards what you're fearing ,scared as hell do it. Immediately when you start doing it the fear is going to go away .When is the last time you started fearing something and you started doing it and starting taking action? The fear did not disappear partially mostly or even fully. Fear can't live in action so start taking action say screw it I am going to do it or just go and do it .Physically take action or go and talk to someone , do whatever you need to do jump up and down talk to someone ask someone the next year next time you're fearing, worrying or anxious this is a quick tip do something versus nothing. Because if you do nothing and you are going to worry you are going to fear and then you are going to feel grief and guilt for not doing something, not doing what you want to do so you might as well do something. Remember because the only way to really truly fail is to do nothing because, well then you fail by default so do something do anything whether it's physically, mentally talking to someone taking action facing the fear and doing anyways, getting advice ,getting coaching from someone take action do not sit still in fear. The body hates it and it is exhausting and it will exhaust you .It will bring you down and like I said it will make you feel anxious, overwhelmed, grief and guilt that you didn't do something .So next time you're fearing worrying or have anxiety do something ,anything take action what's at stake is your happiness, what's at stake is your success ,what's at stake is your fulfillment ,your purpose, your passion ,your livelihood probably even your money and your customers.