5 ways to stop overthinking and make faster decisions
Here are five ways to stop overthinking and make faster decisions. number one is to realize that there is no bad or wrong decision except indecision because then you fail by default. If you don't act or take actions, speak up, do something - start something or stop something, then you fail by default. There you learn that there's no failure but only feedback and learning and growth. There's no such thing as failure, either you have it worked out or okay that didn't work unless you're deliberately doing something to harm yourself or others.
Number two is to trust your intuition. If the message seems to come from your body versus your head, it's probably your intuition. Often our head chatters with all kinds of things and we can mistake it for our intuition. However, oftentimes we're tricked by our fear into not following our intuition, not following a theme and if it's a constant theme in your life that's telling you to do something, it's a last-minute resistance or you go to do something and then there's a fear or worry.
Number three is to stop trying to be perfect. First of all, there's no such thing as perfectionism and second of all, it's never going to be perfect until you do it and you do it again and again and again and again. Think about learning to walk or riding a bike or learning any hobby you have, was it great at the beginning ? No, was it even good at the beginning ? Probably not, so we start and we take action. Perfectionism is actually a way of hiding procrastination. It's a way of staying safe because nothing will ever be perfect so often if you're a perfectionist, nothing will ever get done.
Number four is the 10 10 10 rule. Ask yourself will this really matter, whether I'm spending energy or money or time or whatever? Will this thing really matter in 10 days, in 10 weeks, 10 months, in 10 years? Think about whether it has taught you some great things that you've taken and will it really matter in 10 years.
Number five is to be okay with boundaries. We have too much going on in our world, too much going on in our heads - messages, cell phones, dings, beeps, billboards, news, media, people wanting our time and energy. Be okay saying no because when you don't do this , it makes you overwhelmed and it's very very hard to make great decisions and take action or make any decision in such a mindset. Take some deep breaths and calm yourself if you need to. If you want a way to relax, get in your body and make better decisions. Be more present looking up high with your eyes and or tilting your head way back and still looking way up high. Continue to breathe otherwise your brain will go into fight or flight because you need oxygen.
Another bonus point is to give yourself a time frame for decision. Give yourself a deadline to take action and have someone hold you accountable. Keep a reward and a consequence if you don't decide. Either create accountability with yourself and a deadline for yourself and a reminder for that deadline or have someone hold you accountable. Here's one last extra powerful bonus and it's mastering the art of creating constructive constraints. You've probably heard of Parkinson's law which is, your task or any task will expand to fill the time allotted if you give it a half an hour. The task will take half an hour if you give an hour. So people who get things done really quickly, they create time constraints to do things because then you get stuff done without wasting time on other things. So give yourself a shorter time frame to make an educated decision with some evaluation but also take risks because if there's no risk, there is probably no reward.