Whether you’re all about playing in the dirt or are hoping to make a difference for the environment, diving into an eco-venture is a rewarding path. This goes for anyone who has decided to become a COVIDpreneur during the pandemic. Consider these resources from Unleash Your Power for starting a business as an ecopreneur, and do your part to save the planet.
Find a Great Idea
You love nature, but where can you start helping to make a difference in the world while earning a living? Think about one of these niches.
● Choose an upcycling business model and sell physical products with a renewed purpose.
● Get outside and start an in-nature eco-tourism business that supports the environment.
● Start a recycling operation to prevent recyclable items from ending up in landfills.
Modify Any Business Model
No matter the business you want to get into, you can convert it to a greener model with these ideas.
● Outline greener methods for procurement, shipping, and every other facet of your venture.
● Adopt zero-waste practices regardless of your niche or industry.
● Choose a renewable energy approach for your store or home-based company.
Cover the Legal Bases
Hugging trees might be the cornerstone of your business model, but you also need to follow rules and regulations for business ownership.
● Use a low-cost formation service that helps entrepreneurs file paperwork for incorporation before opening your doors.
● File the appropriate tax documents whether you’re working as a solopreneur or have staff.
● Make sure your creative business name isn’t already copyrighted.
Being kinder to nature is possible while pursuing entrepreneurship, and it’s an admirable path to take. With these resources, you’ll have a better idea of where to start whether you’re launching a new eco-business or are modifying a business plan to be greener.
Amplify your efforts by signing up for the NLP Training and Certification course offered by NLP trainer James R. Elliot. With his course, you’ll be able to “Unleash Your Power – Stand Out, Take Action, And Create The Success You Want!”
Photo via Unsplash
Credit: “Brad Krause created Self Caring after years spent putting his own self-care on the back burner. Brad discovered his real calling-helping people implement self-care practices that improve their overall wellbeing. His website is intended to share his own knowledge and the many great resources he finds on his self-care journey.”
You can read more of his work on selfcaring.info