Words have power. So you have got to stop programming yourself for failure with words. Your your brain has something called a reticular activating system or ras, for short, it’s your pay attention system or go-getter system. Think of it as a spotlight that goes out or a pair of binoculars that focuses on certain things, that way you don’t overwhelm yourself with all the things life has to offer. The good thing is that we can and it allows us to focus but the negative thing is that we can program our ras for failure by saying things like, “I can’t afford it” or ” I don’t have enough time or enough energy”. We are literally programming our reality and conditioning our brain or our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is about 90 to 95% of our brain. We are programming that with our words, so stop programming with the wrong words and stop programming yourself for failure. Start saying things that you want like, ” I am affording it or I’m going to find the time”.
Everyone has the same 24 hours during their day but it’s just some people that are wildly successful. They become multi-millionaires, multi-billionaires and make really cool lives themselves and the others do not. It’s not because that really successful people have more time in their day but they’re doing more with their time, they’re more effective and they’re taking action instead of over analyzing something or overthinking something. They just go and do it. So if you don’t have time, make the time or find time. We make up a lot of excuses and don’t take action because of fear and that’s okay because i used to be the biggest fence sitter in the world and that has changed dramatically. So take action and start programming yourself with what you want.
A lot of people say, “oh I’m not ready yet or I don’t know enough”, “I don’t have the time or the energy”, etc. Stop thinking like this and find time. It’s you who have to decide that you are ready to do it and start programming yourself. Imagine having the car, the job, the career, the business, the trips, the dreams, the person, the love of your life and all the amazing travel or adventure or growth or whatever it is in your life and start programming yourself with what you want and stop programming yourself with the wrong words or excuses. When you start programming yourself to get what you want, your brain will go get it for you and the universe will conspire to bring it to you. Just take action without over analyzing things and fearing and worrying and overthinking things so much that the opportunity passes you by. Program your brain for what you want and remember that words have power. Be cautious and cognizant and pay attention to what you say to yourself because you are programming your future.