Unleash Your Power

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Success and Time: The Ultimate Connection

The Key Thing About Success And Time.

There is a a very important relation between success and time. The key thing is to understand and  remember the relation of time ,effort and succes. A lot of people quit too early when they get frustrated  or stressed out or anxious and even when certain things don’t happen in the time frame in which they think it’s going to happen. So certain people quit and they will take their foot off the gas partially or completely. They will put their foot on the brake when they don’t see something starting to work right away.

I want to be here to tell you because a lot of people were telling me that they had a slow start to the year. This happens  sometimes, some people have a great start to the year,  some will have a slow start so avoid comparing yourself to other people because  it’s your journey and your life or mission. You can control what you do, yet again there are lot of things you cannot control but and you can control your effort and how much energy ypu put into things. You can control how much you sleep you get, how much rest you get, how many hours you work. You can also control how efficient and effective you are. Just because you work long hours and burn yourself doesn’t mean you’re more effective or efficient than others or as efficient as you need to be so stop bragging about how many hours you worked or how effective and efficient you were.

The only thing we can control is our inputs and how much energy we put into things. Studies will show that most people give up right before they’re about to be successful. There’s a story called six feet from gold and it’s about a bunch of miners who gave up six feet before they hit gold as they thought that the mine was was useless. So they sold it to another miner and sold their other equipment really cheap. The miner who bought the mine started digging again and again and he struck gold. He actually hit one of the biggest gold mines in gold vein deposits in Alaska and it’s because the other people gave up too early. So avoid giving up too early, the only thing you can’t control is time so stop judging yourself and stop putting yourself down. Keep doing what you’re doing , some things we do now may not become successful for 6 or 8 or 12 months from when you do it. So be aware of that and be aware that there’s no failure. It is only a temporary state where some of the most valuable lessons are learned. Life is not easy sometimes, there are lessons for you to learn and challenges to be faced. Ask yourself what’s good about this and keep going until you are successful and that is the recipe of the most successful people in the world. So that’s my message for today – whether the year started off for you well or not well, productive or not productive, lucrative or not lucrative , maybe there’s some learnings or growth and maybe you need to do some different things or you just need to keep doing what you’re doing and eventually you will be successful. “You could have a little engine, a little work, a little job, a little business, a little whatever or you can have a big job, a big career, a big business-  what type of engine takes longer to start and takes more effort to start, that’s a bigger engine so you may have bigger results.”

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