

Gabriel Says It Was An Incredible Experience And That Everyone Needs This To Take Their Life To A Whole New Level

Matteo Says "It Really Helped With More Effective Communication, Productivity, Fulfillment And Meaning In My Life."

Michelle Says "James' course really helped me, and my customers, get the results that we wanted."

Cristina Says "This Course Was The Best Decision I Ever Made!"

Manny Said This Dramatically Increased His Business, Leadership, And Coach Abilities

Patrick Loved The Course - "It Was A Great Community Environment And James Managed Each Student At The Level They Were At

Carolyn Says It Transformed Her Both Personally And Professionally

Margherita Says It Was The Missing Piece To The Puzzle Of Life And Business And Was a Friendly, Fun, Down-To-Earth Environment.

Marisa says she highly recommends the course and it is "Chock Full Of Amazing!" James is so flexible and can easily flow, adjust and adapt to the students' needs.

Kerri Says James Helped Her Communicate More, Take Action, And Understand What Was Holding Her Back

Matt says the course completely changed his life and work!

Evelyn Says: "I Discovered And Broke Through The Barriers Holding Me Back With Wealth"

Carmelina Says It Was A Phenomenal Experience And She Let Go Of The Past

Donald Said It Helped Him Focus, Take Control, Take Action and Win In His Life!

Laura Says She Got A Massive Promotion At Work Because Of The Course!

Jennifer Says She Broke Through Her Barriers, It Changed Her Life, Her Business And Her Relationships!

Jonathan Says It Really Helped With Awareness Of His Blocks, Depression, Anxiety And Increased His Confidence!

Chester Says This Course Changed My Life And How It Empowered Him Help Others!

Nina Says This Was A Turning Point In Her Life! She Moved Past The Things That Were Holding Her Back In Her Job, Her Relationships And Personally!

Brett Says The Course Will Help You Push Your Life To The Limits, Move Past Your Roadblocks And Go All The Way!

Milad says that things changed for him in a very short period of time!

Shawn says, " I got
so much out of it for me personally and broke through analyzing things so

Katiana says, " James really went beyond my
expectations and
transformed my life"!

Quynh talks about how much she loves the care James has for his students!

Shurla says, " I learned a lot during the course and got a toolbox full of tools and
techniques that I can use in my coaching

Shurla says, " I learned a lot during the course and got a toolbox full of tools and
techniques that I can use in my coaching

Who Benefits From Learning These Tools?
Entrepreneurs: - Become highly influential, highly persuasive, stand out, and have people really hear you, get what you do, see your value and feel that you're a great fit! Make an impact in the world, grow your business, make more money, and do more of what you love.
Salespeople: Communicate way more effectively so you get the sale (and the referrals) and really stand out! Establish instant rapport and deep trust with people, so they do business with you.
Coaches: (personal, business, relationship or educational coaches) use NLP to help their participants achieve greater and faster results.
Leaders: Become highly influential - you will learn the toolsets, strategies and skillsets of some of the most influential people in the world have. Inspire others, motivate them, and make a big impact in what you do! (Highly effective communication is one of the best tools a great leader can have!). NLP is research-based toolsets and strategies from studying the most successful people in the world over the past 50 years.
Speakers: have your audience really hear, see, feel what you are saying, and make sense of your message in a powerful, much more impactful way
Communicators (all of us!): Anyone that uses language! Empowering you to take everything you do to a whole new level at work! Have people really see, hear, understand and feel they get what you are trying to communicate. *Did you know that due to different learning and communication styles, most of us miss 60%-80% of the people we are trying to communicate to, with our message?
Therapists: Therapists and counselors use NLP to help people move past negative life experiences and refocus on future achievements
Personal: People use NLP to achieve better success and happiness in their own lives. Stop letting that negative, doubting voice in your head (and the disempowering things you say about yourself) win! Change your "operating system and old programming. It's faulty if you are not getting the results you want! SHATTER the negative/disempowering programming you have got in the past. Be conscious of your subconscious habits, thoughts and patterns so you can change them!

Attend This Training If You:

●Want to take your skills and abilities to a whole new level●Desire the ultimate tools and strategies in communication, leadership, mentorship/coaching and professional development training!●Want to eliminate imposter syndrome or self doubt●Would like to excel as a leader, coach,/mentor, communicator, or speaker●Are excited to be a top leader, communicator, entrepreneur coach/mentor or speaker●Want to have some of the top tools of the elite, so you can get to the top too●Make a big impact, help others, create change and live fulfilled and on purpose

Contact Us!

Phone: 905-717-9481

James is a:

    Board Designated Master Life Coach and NLP Trainer
    Board Designated Hypnosis Trainer
    Board Designated TLT/CYF Master Practitioner
    Board Designated Holistic Nutritionist
    Certified Exercise and Sports Nutritionist
    Motivational and NLP coach
    Professional Public Speaker
    Former Certified Personal Trainer

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