Unleash Your Power

Table of Contents
Why Imposter Syndrome Can Be a Good Thing for Your Growth
The GOOD THING About Imposter Syndrome And Self Doubt!

The good thing about imposter syndrome is that it means you’re authentic and you actually care about doing well and helping people and producing a good result.You want to accomplish something positive and be real and whatever you do, it can self-reflect the fact that you have a posture syndrome and that you’re not an imposter. People who are imposters don’t have impostor syndrome. There’s something interesting called the Dunning-kruger effect. A researcher in Dunning and another in Kruger found out that people who know very little tend to overestimate how much they know and their experience and expertise when they really don’t know much or don’t know anything. Also, people who know a lot about something tend to underestimate and it’s called the reverse Dunning-Kruger effect. This is where impostor syndrome comes from.

Most of the successful people in the world have imposter syndrome. If you have it occasionally or frequently it’s likely not true. All of us, the most successful or the least successful, wherever you are, we’re all making it up and doing our best as we go along. No one’s lived this exact life before and and knows exactly what to do and how to do it right. We are all doing our best and that’s just life. Life is a learning lesson and it’s a great one if you can get the learnings and learn from failures, learn from things that don’t work and realize life is happening for you and not to you. It’s happening for you and laying down a path. All the things that happens in life has created you and me. It has allowed me to help people and and make a big difference or make an impact and leave a legacy on the world. I think that’s what we are here for really, to leave a legacy and make an impact in some way. So the next time it happens, just notice in your body where there’s this feeling, the self-doubt, this impostor syndrome, whatever it is notice where it’s most present and just pay attention to that spot. Pay attention to where it’s coming from in your body and instead of shoving away or pushing away, do your best and just breathe through it and it will dissipate. The more you push it away or resist it, it will persist. The other thing you can do to that negative voice in your head saying you don’t know enough or they’re are not listening to you or they’re not going to buy from you, they’re not going to hire you, when you are on stage or on a date or an interview or a picture presentation is to ask the voice to shut up. You can tell that voice to stop it or what I also love doing is you can turn around and give the source of that voice that is putting you down, a hug. It probably just needs some love, acceptance and some acknowledgement. So you can either tell it to shut up or give it a hug and send it some love.

So that is the good thing about impostor syndrome. It can pretty much guarantee that you’re not an imposter if you have impostor syndrome. Be proud of who you are and what you know. Continue learning always and take things to a whole new level. Always be careful with arrogance and seek to be better. Try to be your best self and avoid worrying about imposter syndrome because if you have it, then you’re likely not an imposter.

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