Have you ever wondered when is the best time and when is the worst time to start something new? Let it be a business, a job, a relationship, a health goal, a physical goal, a mental goal, a course, a training, growth, growing yourself or developing yourself. Well, the best time is today and the worst time is tomorrow or some day or next day or a week in next year. It is when I’m older, when I’m wise or when kids grow up, when I have more money, energy or when I am stronger, etc. It doesn’t work like that. Are you gonna have boundless amounts of energy all of a sudden? That’s never going to happen. You have to stop waiting for the right time and you have to stop waiting to get motivated. You’ll never want to step out of the comfort zone so you have to just do it and yes with a lot of tools like nlp, the behavior tools, the mindset tools.
I teach a lot on that and it can make a huge difference. You just have to find a coach or mentor or people that actually care about you. Failures happen in life and it is a great way to success. It’s one of the major ways to success – we test things, we try things, we see what works and what doesn’t work so stop wasting time. This year is half over and life passes you by in an instant so stop wasting your life on things you don’t really want to do or not being who you really want to be. What is going to be the cost of this? Is it the guilt or shame or regret? That’s either there already so start doing it by stopping the negativity. Just take action, live and screw it. Let’s do it like Richard Branson live or Justin Sterling, use whatever mantra you have because it’s a bit profane and helps you get out of your head. This will change your life. Make hard choices in your life like developing yourself, taking a course, getting up early or staying up late or doing something that scares you because at the end of the life, the cost is not living a fulfilled or passionate life.
Life is too short so the best thing you can do is to decide on your health goals, your vision for the future, your business or work goals, vision for yourself. If you have to do a side hustle, do it but avoid letting the money and the comfort of a steady stream of money stop you from starting your business. Do what you want to do, what you love and do it now. Take one simple small step today to get started on that path. Then you realize it’s actually not as scary or horrible as you think it might be. Yes, it takes effort and there will be failures and time and learning and lessons involved. If you find mentors or coaches or mastermind groups or people on the same journey, it is going to take a lot less time. So always remember that the best time to start something is today and the worst time is tomorrow or the day after that or someday or maybe or one day.