Unleash Your Power

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What’s Really Holding You Back
The #1 Thing Holding You Back From Achieving Everything You Want Is…

Do you know what is the number one thing holding you back from achieving everything you want, whatever it is ,whatever area in your life you want to achieve it ? It is lack of action. You can do all kinds of great learning and have all kinds of great skills and knowledge and experience and hope and energy and dreams, however if you don’t take action, nothing happens.

 We often have impostor syndrome or self-doubt and think about what if we fail or what if it doesn’t work, there’s other people better than us out there, there’s other smarter people ,etc.  But there’s actually a sliding scale of iq,  the smarter you get, the less successful you might be because you get into that overthinking paradigm and often the people that are above a certain iq will just be in the lab all the day thinking about it  but never actually implementing it.

At the end of the day what happens is there may be someone smarter than you or more experienced than you , however if you take action, you’re going to become more successful because while you’re out there speaking your message and doing whatever it is you’re doing it could be exercising or starting your business or getting a promotion or  being healthier or whatever it is that you want to do, while other people are overthinking it or are researching it to death instead of learning and then doing.

 Maybe some things don’t work but failure is simply a temporary state where the most valuable lessons are learned. You don’t have to be the best at something but aim to be better. So  instead of thinking all the failures or things you procrastinated on or didn’t do and instead of thinking about what you missed or what you didn’t do, think about what you learned and how you grew stronger. Focus on how you benefited and what you learned and what didn’t work so that you can do what works in 2022. Do things that are different, try new things and take action. It’s not going to be perfect the first time if you expect it to but do your best, expect to be good and not perfect because you’ll always have a chance to reiterate ,get feedback and and learn more .

If you don’t take action  you don’t get what you want. So take action, that’s the number one thing that you can do to win . You can’t take a wrong action because you’ll either be successful or you’ll learn and grow and be able to pivot and then do what works. So go make some big goals and even if you don’t get to it, you’ll still be way further ahead than if you made a small, easy achievable goal.

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