Unleash Your Power

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How to Detect Heavy Metal Toxicity in Your Body

There are many reasons why people are exhausted, can’t lose weight, get cold easily, suffer from depression, brain fog,  nervousness, forgetfulness, frequent colds and flus, age prematurely, have muscle and joint pain, have energy levels that rise and crash during various times throughout the day, autoimmune issues, liver toxicity, are at a risk for cancer, have neurological disorders and generally feel “crappy.” (For a full list of potential symptoms see the end of the blog).

Could it be heavy metals? In our toxic environment today, it’s very possible. I have never seen a heavy metals test on a client with these (and more!) symptoms where they had zero heavy metal toxicity. Clearing out these heavy metals can restore your zest, brain function, health and vigor, and resolve quite a broad range of symptoms!

So what is it? Why do we have it? Why is it important?

Metal poisoning is much more common than people realize, and often people realize too late that they are suffering from heavy metal poisoning. It’s really never too late to start slowly, carefully removing them, but sometimes some permanent damage has already been done. Getting rid of the metals slowly, but as soon as you realize you have them, is extremely important. I prefer the Hair Mineral Test (pictured at the bottom of this blog) as a way to find heavy metals. You can see from my test that I was high in Aluminum from my Antiperspirant (it WASN’T the best a man can get!), as most antiperspirants contain Aluminum. (So do most commercial baking powders – GROSS!) 

Heavy metals (among other toxins which I will discuss in a future post) accumulate quite easily in our bodies and cause all kinds of havoc from unexplained fatigue to premature aging, to very serious conditions.

Heavy metals can come from water, food (mainly from additives and large fish/farmed fish, or tainted food), paints, chemicals, antiperspirant, pesticides, herbicides, plastics, electronics, candles, pipes, polluted air, smoking, power or solid waste plants, and vaccines and dental amalgams (silver/black fillings) especially. Some are naturally occurring as well, and some of us are better or worse than others at removing them. There is a very strong  connection with Aluminum toxicity with Alzheimer’s, and a general heavy metal toxicity associated with Autism, and to a lesser degree, ADHD. Clearing out these heavy metals can restore your zest and vigor, and resolve quite a broad range of symptoms!

But how do you know which ones you have? 

The best test I have seen for this is called a hair mineral analysis, since, well, hair is simply just dead body cells, and it stores a great deal of minerals and heavy metals, all which can be analyzied by a lab.  This is why I have used this in my practice for a long time. Not only can it tell you what heavy metals you are high in, but it can also tell you what other beneficial minerals you are high or low in (ie are you ACTUALLY low in calcium? Or are you low in important supporting materials!). I have included a picture of a test below – it’s quite an interesting thing to do, and many of my clients are amazed at their results, and what it can tell you! Let me know if you have any questions – I’d be happy to discuss the benefit with you, and to see if your symptoms are possibly related to heavy metal toxicity.

  • Alcohol intolerance
  • Allergies (environmental and food sensitivities)
  • Anxious and irritable
  • Brain fog
  • Cannot lose weight
  • Chronic unexplained pain
  • Coated tongue
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Frequent colds and flus
  • Headaches
  • High levels of toxic metals in your blood, urine or tissues
  • Insomnia
  • Intolerance to medications & vitamins
  • Loss of memory and forgetfulness
  • Low body temperature
  • Metallic taste in mouth
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Muscle tics or twitches
  • Muscle tremors
  • Night sweats
  • Parasites
  • Prone to mood swings
  • Prone to rashes
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Sensitive to smells like tobacco smoke, perfumes, paint fumes and chemical odors
  • Skin problems
  • Small black spots on your gums
  • Sore or receding gums
  • Tingling in the extremities
  • Unsteady gait
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
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