About the course

An explanation of how limiting decisions and negative emotions are formed


Chester Says This Course Changed My Life

Evelyn Says James Unleashes The Power

Gabriel Says It Was An Incredible Experience

Kerri Says James Helped Her Communicate More

Carmelina Says It Was A Phenomenal Experience


If you want to help others achieve positive changes in their lives, this program is definitely for you. From coaches to managers, to speakers and trainers, learning NLP techniques will improve your ability to influence, empower and inspire others. The NLP Certification program is 8 days, where NLP will be covered in-depth in addition to hypnotherapy and time line therapy.

With the coaching designation/certification, you will learn how to use the tools powerfully and effectively as a coach, leader, speaker or communicator, and learn how/where to find clients, and approximately how much you should charge. You will come out of the training actually ready to start working with clients right away – something missing from many coaching or tools courses.

*Graduates receive certification from James R. Elliot / Unleash Your Power Coaching and Training and are then eligible to apply for an internationally-recognized Board designation.

"Parts Integration"NLP Practitioner Course Tool Demo  

Perception Is Projection:


James R. Elliot offers amazing business training in the course, in addition to his FasTrak™NLP practitioner certification training program. In the business training you will discover how to integrate new NLP tools and techniques into your business while creating quantum leaps in sales, and client retention, income, growth and overall success.


Who is leading the training?

This training is being facilitated personally by Trainer James R. Elliot, a Board Designated Trainer of NLP. He is one of a small but elite group of trainers that include the likes of Tony Robbins, Kim Redman, and Drs. Tad and Adriana James. This NLP Fastrak® Training Program is designed with the busy professional / entrepreneur in mind. Through advanced study practices, various multimedia pre-study, post study, and ongoing education, this training is completed with an 8-day on-site intensive practicum. To support each candidate in a fun and fast-paced environment, the training has a high ratio of trainers to students. As a result, you will receive immediate feedback and the attention needed to reinforce your SUCCESS! Seats are very limited, and go fast. However, signing up early can definitely ensure that your spot is saved exclusively for YOU.

How Do I Become Designated AND Certified?

The NLP practitioner training – home study will help you prepare for the program. You can listen to the audios and other multimedia at your convenience, before you start the course to complete the board-approved training. At this time you will feel, hear, see, and experience the natural transformation when limiting program are replaced with leadership programs with greater authenticity like this one where you will develop skills of Time Line Therapy®, coaching, hypnosis, and NLP.

Why Choose NLP Practitioner Training Through Unleash Your Power?

This training is being facilitated personally by Trainer James R. Elliot, a Board Designated Trainer of NLP. He is one of a small but elite group of trainers that include the likes of Tony Robbins, Kim Redman, and Drs. Tad and Adriana James. This NLP Fastrak® Training Program is designed with the busy professional / entrepreneur in mind. Through advanced study practices, various multimedia pre-study, post study, and ongoing education, this training is completed with an 8-day on-site intensive practicum. To support each candidate in a fun and fast-paced environment, the training has a high ratio of trainers to students. As a result, you will receive immediate feedback and the attention needed to reinforce your SUCCESS! Seats are very limited, and go fast. However, signing up early can definitely ensure that your spot is saved exclusively for YOU





Anyone who communicates for a livingAnyone on a commission-based income that includes direct sales Anyone who is required to negotiate or get their ideas across in some way Any speakers wanting to make a greater impact and have people actually "hear" you Directors, managers, sales representatives, team leaders, and people that work with groups or individualsAnyone who wants to avoid being manipulated by advertising, marketing and language Educations with children, teenagers, or adult-students Anyone wanting to transition or grow in the empowerment or leadership fieldAnyone interested in empowering themselves and others with the desire of ever-lasting change and growthAny entrepreneur!

Unleash Your Potential & NLP Course Offerings

NLP & Unleash Your Potential Silver Level:
● Participate in the monthly pre-study masterminds - discussion, Q&A, how to use the material in your life right now, and how to get the most out of the course● Learn:● How the brain works, how to work with it to get your desired results and how to use it to your advantage● Why negative emotions are so bad for our health - and how to shift this● Learn how to effectively communicate with anyone - be heard and seen and valued● Ways for you, and anyone you work with, to look at life in an entirely different way● Learn how marketing, advertising and language is manipulating you● How to hypnotize yourself and program your mind with the thoughts that you want and to take the actions you want● How to decrease the intensity and effect of your problems and frustrations● How to increase positive memories or situations and decrease negative ones● How to motivate yourself to do something more, to like something better (eg: paperwork, sales, etc.) or STOP yourself from liking something negative (even a junk food!)● Learn how life, and other people, are a great mirror for what you need to work on - and how to get those learnings - so that you become unstoppable● How to create goals that are actually achievable, attainable and sure to succeed● Ways to look at people & things that bother you in completely new, empowering ways● Learn how to change and stop just about negative habit● ****Get to the ROOT problem of what is keeping you stuck, frustrated, unhappy and at a glass ceiling● Learn how to calm yourself, relax yourself and be present when you are stressed, anxious or worried● Learn the Strategic Decision Making ProcessTM to make it easier to make decisions, to take action, and to take the emotion or fear out of making decisions● Learn how to make your problems seem small and have things excite you and empower you more● Create strong boundaries with yourself and with others

NLP Gold Level for business, sales, negotiation, communication & strong relationships● Graduate with your NLP For Business Certification and Power ProcessTM Certification●Participate in the monthly pre-study masterminds - discussion, Q&A, how to use the material in your life right now, and how to get the most out of the course● Comes with NLP Pre-study audios - 25 hours worth of pre-study PURE GOLD training and information● Learn: (including everything in NLP Silver / Level 1) :● Quickly get rapport and to get someone to know, like, trust & value you quickly● Heal and strengthen relationships in business, family, friends, colleagues and teams quickly● Be able to quickly shift your fears and mental blocks or the negative internal voice● How to focus and quickly and effectively get things done● Stop procrastinating, fearing, waiting and just take action now● Remove limiting beliefs in yourself and others -added value to teams, clients and them moving forward with you!● Be highly influential, stand out, speak up,, stand confidently and be more assertive● Understand body language and get unconscious cues and feedback from others● How to use hypnotic language to positively motivate, encourage, influence and convince people - and get past the B.S. & blocks of many conversations● Stand out more, be seen, be heard, be highly valuable and highly influential● Command attention, gain more respect, speak up and stand up for yourself● Tools and strategies to help you sell, enroll, and attract clients - and have them refer you● Negotiation & sales strategies for a win-win for everyone - happy clients and more $● What to do when part of you wants to do one thing, and part of you wants to do another - or part of you is procrastinating - conquer indecision!● Have greater confidence in business, yourself and your presentations or pitches●  Almost instantly change your emotional state from disappointed to pumped, or shy to confident, or sad to powerful or unmotivated to totally motivated - A key to success!● Learn to reframe clients and teams and handle customer or employee objections● And much more!

NLP & Unleash Your Potential Course Platinum Level: 8 days in 2 four-day sessions Participate in the monthly pre-study masterminds - discussion, Q&A, how to use the material in your life right now, and how to get the most out of the course●  Get the NLP Pre-study audios - 25 hours worth of pre-study PURE GOLD training and information● Learn: (including everything in NLP Silver and Gold Package) :● Learn the full A to Z client coaching lifecycle and breakthrough process● Learn how to effectively work with people at different **values levels stages of life● Participate in the monthly pre-study masterminds - discussion, Q&A, how to use the material in your life right now, and how to get the most out of the course● Graduate with 5 Certifications (NLP, TIMELINE THERAPY, HYPNOSIS NLP COACH, UYP Power Process)● Learn time line therapy tools to eliminate negative emotions, limiting beliefs, ● Finally let go of feelings of unworthiness, powerlessness, feeling not good enough, not worth it, feeling unloveable or unloved● Easily and quickly release anxiety and phobias in yourself and others● Become certified as a coach and learn what it takes to coach, how to coach, how to get started, and what the A to Z coaching and breakthrough process looks like● Learn hypnosis for business, sales and negotiation● Learn hypnosis for therapeutic use for yourself and others● Learn why NLP, Timeline therapy, hypnosis and the power protocol are different, and often superior to many traditional therapy methods● Get that know, like and trust factor (rapport) and likeability very quickly from others● Learn to unleash your full power, self-confidence, and maximum potential● Discover motivational tools that will help you progress toward your goals much quicker and much more effectively than before● Learn powerful communication skills and strategies to create highly effective communication (and results!) with others● You will acquire and hone the most effective and innovative tools - from results -based coaching● Learn tools to create massive shifts in yourself and people, quickly● Eliminate the blocks that have kept someone - or yourself - stuck for a long time● Learn to speak to and get answers from your own unconscious mind about what is going on, what vitamins you need, and getting answers about you and your body

Contact Us!

Phone: 905-717-9481

James is a:

    Board Designated Master Life Coach and NLP Trainer
    Board Designated Hypnosis Trainer
    Board Designated TLT/CYF Master Practitioner
    Board Designated Holistic Nutritionist
    Certified Exercise and Sports Nutritionist
    Motivational and NLP coach
    Professional Public Speaker
    Former Certified Personal Trainer

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