Critical Thinking – Can it Really Change My Reality? NLP and Time Line Therapy Can Help – Part 2

James R. Elliot: Exploring the Impact of NLP Coaching and Time Line Therapy NLP Coaching Critical Thinking on Reality Transformation - Part 2

Recognize, contrast, examine, and make a determination.

1. Recognize - Stimuli and data are received through the senses of V,A,K,O,G
the NLP Communications Model involves the neurology receiving external information through the five senses.

2. Contrast - Incoming data is processed and stored in memory
Examining incoming information in relation to stored memories, we find that we can only attend to what is already present within our nervous system. We are unable to express ourselves in areas where we lack awareness. Thus, it appears that we compare incoming data with the existing information in our nervous system, forming a foundation for analysis. For instance, we might say, "I'm currently experiencing 'X', which I compare to 'Y' from my past." (This seems like a starting point for mapping!)

3. Examine - Examine data
Here is a compilation of typical examination perspectives. Take the time to assess these aspects of incoming data in your daily experiences and explore how much you can learn about the world around you

● Baseless presumptions● Unverified suppositions● Insignificant declarations and supporting evidence● Logical errors● Misunderstandings and flawed comprehension● Overly restricted subject focus● Deficient data gathering techniques● Insufficient evidence to back conclusions● Outdated or inadequate data● Soundness of conclusions● Exaggerated and uncorroborated assertions● Incorrectly assigned causality
Consciously, by examining thoughts one at a time, individuals can engage in critical thinking, serving as gatekeepers and authorities to their unconscious mind. During this process, the reticular activating system (RAS) or Extrathalamic Control Modulatory System comes into play, handling yes or no information through a step-by-step thought sorting process. This system consists of several neuronal circuits connecting the brainstem to the cortex and is influenced by various neurotransmitters. It incorporates cholinergic and adrenergic components, which interact synergistically and competitively to regulate thalamocortical activity and corresponding behavioral states.

Let's consider an intriguing aspect! It appears that the key neurotransmitters found in the neural pathways of the RAS might be significantly influenced by or even entirely derived from the pre-existing information stored at the unconscious level. If this is indeed the case, how can we effectively impact the encoding of these vital neurotransmitters in the RAS? The answer lies in transforming the belief system and modifying the information stored at the unconscious level. When the cholinergic and adrenergic components in the RAS exhibit competitive reactions signaling resistance or rejection, despite the incoming data being beneficial, it suggests the need to address some underlying issues at the unconscious level. Fortunately, Time Line Therapy provides a seamless method to facilitate this transformation!

Time Line Therapy is a valuable technique that aids individuals in effectively resolving negative emotions and outdated restrictive beliefs that are no longer beneficial or potentially inaccurate. Is it possible that constructing a carefully curated memory bank filled with well-founded beliefs could lead to the development of constructive thought patterns and consequently, positively influence a person's reality? Time Line Therapy People often engage in data exploration to ensure they can make informed and thoughtful choices. The answer is affirmative! Moreover, these essential components can significantly contribute to expanding an individual's choices and empower them to make informed decisions that align with their well-being and overall growth. Once more, the answer is a resounding YES!

4. Determination
Consider how determination, both conscious and unconscious, can be likened to seeds from which beliefs grow, as decisions always come before beliefs. These beliefs are intricately linked to our value system, which, in turn, heavily relies on stored beliefs to shape and drive our behaviors. These behaviors encompass various aspects of our lives, including our motivations, choices, thought processes, and patterns of thinking.
Before making a decision about incoming data, it's prudent to evaluate its personal value and relevance. Once an individual chooses to accept the data and its underlying model, they experience a state of suspended disbelief. The accepted model is then stored at the unconscious level and serves as a benchmark for comparing future data and external stimuli, while also influencing behaviors. The decision-making process regarding data acceptance or rejection involves either suspending disbelief or reinforcing one's existing beliefs.
Encourage yourself to embrace critical thinking and explore further independently! Avoid blindly accepting what you read here or anywhere else, as it's essential to verify information that piques your interest. Until then, other unverified details are mere gossip or hearsay, wouldn't you agree? Perhaps you're already adept at critical thinking, and you seek to enhance and broaden your analytical skills and resources. As I delve into Critical Thinking, I notice the intricate nuances of well-crafted analytical investigation, tailored to specific fields and applications.
Essentially, we can observe that NLP emerges from a process of thoughtful analysis. It's probable that anyone delving into NLP will naturally adopt the patterns of critical thinking that formed the foundation of this discipline. In fact, Critical Thinking itself can be viewed as an exploration of logical outcomes, and it's sensible for individuals to be well-informed in their choices to ensure positive and supportive consequences in their lives.