Unleash Your Power

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Why You Are Missing 90% of People

You are missing up to 90% of the people you communicate with, but not to fear, there are some solutions. You are often missing the majority of people you’re trying to communicate with, and that is by not getting the sales, the clients, the races, the promotions, the attention and the value. 

40 percent of people are visuals – they like to see things to really get it and understand. Another 40% of the population are kinesthetic people. They want you to take them through something or walk through something and to feel the emotions and want to check in on how they feel about it. Whatever it is that you’re communicating, they need to feel it and they want to be taken through something. The rest 20 of the population are auditory, they like listening to things. They don’t want your brochure and they don’t want you to give them some form or something like that or a piece of paper. They don’t want to visit your website, instead they want to talk about it and have a conversation about it. The key is to really pay attention. The last communication modality is called auditory digital communication style. These are very digital people, they love lots of information and they love mountains of data. 

You have got to be flexible on how you are communicating and what media you are using and how you are demonstrating to someone or showing them something or even proving something to them. Be very careful and conscious of how you do that and do it in a way that’s going to be effective for them. One of the best ways to find out what they are is to ask them how they learn best and how they communicate best. It’s a good way to ask and find out. And you can also pay attention to the words they use. For example, if they use words like, ‘I want to get a concrete grasp on this, or I want to make sure I feel good about this’, that’ll likely be a kinesthetic person. Again If they insist on meeting in person, meet in person with them and they’ll probably be a visual when they say that looks good or that sounds good. And then you want to emphasize your visual ways to communicate with them. If they say, ‘I want to hear this or I want to hear about it’,  then those are auditory people. And you should communicate accordingly. Lastly, the fact finders are the auditory digitals. Give them lots of data, research and proof.

 If there are visual people, show them a website or brochure. If they’re kinesthetic, walk them through things. If they are factfinder, give them lots of research and lots of data and proof and evidence and tons of stuff to read or else it won’t make sense to them. So those are the two things you can do, that is, Ask them directly how they process things or how they want to be communicated with and then pay attention to their words and really see what they’re saying and hear what they’re saying. And use their words and make sure you show them the value. They should  be able to make sense of things as well. This will dramatically increase the uptake of information and they get a sense of why they should do business with you and will feel good about doing business with you.

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